Sunday, July 20, 2008

Stanford Rock Ride Sunday

Well I was called up to North Lake for work, what a surprise. "Not"
So I thought lets take the CFM with. So I did and after I was done with what I needed to do for work I asked if there were any trails close, and I was told follow the bike path south and once you go over the bridge you will see a single track heading West . So I did and I did.
Wow I really didn't know what I was in for but I climbed and climbed and climbed.
and after 6miles of constant up hill I turned around . I was rained on twice but that didn't really matter I was wet any way from all the hard work.
Well to make a long story longer come to find out I was only a half of a mile from the ridge . Soooo I made it I just didn't get the big pay off.
On the way down God told me I should never go out with out my helmet.
Oh I didn't add that tid bit of info. "I didn't think I needed my helmet I was just going to ride the bike path."
Yeah Right Rog!
So anyway on the way down a piece of wood got lodged between my front tire and fork .
OUT OF NOWHERE and Duuude it tossed me right over the bars and my bike landed on top of me.
Iam OK Iam OK!@$#--
Couple of bruises and a couple of cuts but no head injuries thank God. Well Lesson learned.
Don't go out without your helmet and Gear.

All and all it was a great workout my legs are felling the climb.
Here are some pictures I found on the net of the trail .
The trail is steep, rocky and did I mention steep.
Slow climb up and not to bad of a decent.
It was a pretty cool ride.
Nice views between gasping for breath.



Anonymous said...

No Helmet???

Who was telling me recently to never go on a ride without a pump and a spare tube??? No matter how short of a ride.

Good to hear you didn't damage any sensitive Tahoe trails with your noggin.

Mtb In CC Nv said...

You know you are absolutly right. I also didn't bring my helmet oh yeah No Cell phone or Tube . Hay at least I brought my will to climb for two hours.

Anonymous said...

What hurt more?

The crash or the knock on the head your wife and family gave you when you told them the story?