Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Ride

Rode the Loop with LuLu. It wasn't as hot as I thought it would be . Good ride all and all. Came across a bull snake (not a Rttl snk) on the rim side of 7steps . It was crossing the trail, so I stopped, Lu didn't even notice it. Once it saw me it took off into a bush. And off we went.

There is a Rattle snake awareness class this July it was in the paper this morning .

Here is the skinny:
The Nv Wildlife Fed.,Wild Life Foundation and the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Reno are Teaming up to provide Rattle snake Avoidance Classes Begining at 8am . July 12,13 and 26th at Washoe Lake state Park. training is scheduled throughout the day.
Fees are $60.00 for the first dog; $50.00 for the second and $40.00 for subsequent dogs by the same owner . Dogs must be 6 month or older. Space is limited.
For more info or to register E-Mail or call 775-412-1387

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