Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday Evening Ride VnT and NEW trail

Well the wind was a blowen.
So I decided to give old V and T trail a go.
It was alright, when I got to the end, I decided to go down to the water towers and climb back up. The trail or road was not bad a little sandy.

LU LU and I got back to the collage bike road and thought well we just haven't had enough so up we went, the north side of the canyon. Up to were the road dumps off in the middle of Timberline Rd. Turned around and back down . I couldn't handle the road so I went straight down into the canyon. Then I had to carry my bike back out . But I was on the right side of the canyon now (SOUTH SIDE of the creek or water retention canyon) low and behold I found a brand new trail with orange flags and everything . So up I went following the flags and replacing the ones that had fallen over I found my self at the top of timber line
trail .
The wind was blowing so now I am afraid.
Let me clarify Since I talked to Jeff P.
Now Iam worried a dead burnt tree is going to blow over and KILL ME .
Needless to say I turned around and headed back down to Winnie Lake.
Another great ride on the West slopes of Carson City NV.


Anonymous said...

i love you dad.
i think you have the coolest blog.
i say i need to go out with you on the trails.

Mtb In CC Nv said...

Thanks Baby