Saturday, April 21, 2007

April 20Th 2007

Man, finally got on my bike!
Same ride same workout cut out some of the fun parts of the ride due to time.
So I missed the two big hills on the south end of the ride and missed the climb and decent into Winnie Lake at the North end of my ride.
Total of 12 miles in 75 minutes Not breaking any records But happy to to be out there.

The city has contracted sheep on the west side of town to eat the grass for fire control so there is around 300 sheep hanging out right on the trail by the church on C hill. It is a kick riding though the flock or herd or what ever you call a bunch of dirty sheep. They run for there life's as you come up on them and split like the red sea. There is only one down fall of all this sheep chasing, and I found that out after my ride , lots of sheep S*#@ ! On the bottom of my seat, back of the frame. Time for a wash.

On another note I am looking for a good ride in Loomis Ca Sunday .
So I will keep you in the Loop.

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